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Law Firm for IT and IP law,

Rendering professional legal advice requires extensive practical experience and a high level of specialization.


Law Firm

WIEMANN Law Firm offers individual legal advice and comprehensive legal support in the fields of IT law and intellectual property law. We provide legal advice to national and international companies in the IT, new media and e-commerce sector as well as to private individuals.

The owner of the law firm, attorney Florian Wiemann, LL.M. Eur., is a specialist attorney for IT law and attorney for intellectual property protection. WIEMANN Law Firm cooperates with other attorneys in the fields of labor, trade and corporate law.


Fields of Law

Our core areas of advice are IT law and industrial property protection.


IT law covers legal issues related to the use of the Internet and other contemporary means of communication. A very practical aspect concerns the drawing up of software agreements and the responsibilty for actions of individuals and/or third parties when using the world wide web.


Intellectual property issues concern your legal position as the owner of intellectual creations, e.g. your rights as a software manufacturer, web designer or owner of a website. Registered symbols (e.g. trademarks) as well as non-registered designations (e.g. domains) enjoy legal protection.


One central field of competition law concerns the rules of fair competition between companies. These rules aim to protect competitors, consumers and the public from a distortion of competition. For example, they prohibit misleading advertising and false statements.
Florian Wiemann
Specialist attorney for IT law


Attorney Florian Wiemann LL.M. Eur. specializes in questions in the fields of IT law and intellectual property. Many years of working for mid-sized and large companies in the IT sector allowed him to acquire a deep understanding of the relevant economic and technical matters.


Attorney Jörg Suchard is an independent cooperation partner of WIEMANN Law Firm and a certified expert in construction law and the law of architects and engineers. Mr. Jörg Suchard provides legal advice in all real estate matters for companies as well as private individuals.



WIEMANN Law Firm offers you the support you need in order to enforce your legitimate interests. You benefit from our services not only in court, but also via in-depth advice and representation in the pre-litigation phase. Timely and comprehensive legal advice can help to avoid later litigation, effectively reducing your actual costs. Before accepting a mandate, we provide a detailed cost projection.




Verantwortlichkeit für Datenübertragung an Facebook

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Der Europäische Gerichtshof stellt in seiner heutigen Entscheidung klar, dass ein Website-Betreiber für den eingebundenen Facebook-Button verantwortlich sein kann; diese datenschutzrechtliche Verantwortung bezieht sich auf das automatische Erheben der Nutzerdaten und deren Weitergabe an Facebook. Das Urteil dürfte erhebliche Auswirkungen auf die gängige Praxis haben, den beliebten Facebook-Daumen in Webseiten zu integrieren.


Kein Urheberrechtsschutz für Käsegeschmack

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Der EuGH hat entschieden, dass der Geschmack von Lebensmitteln urheberrechtlich nicht geschützt werden kann. Denn dieser lasse sich nicht mit hinreichender Genauigkeit und Objektivität bestimmen. Vielmehr sind Geschmacksempfindungen subjektiv und hängen von Alter, Ernährungsvorlieben und Konsumgewohnheiten einer Person ab.


Auskunftsanspruch gegen Google und YouTube

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Das OLG Frankfurt hat die beklagten Internetriesen verpflichtet, die E-Mailadressen von YouTube Nutzern herauszugeben, die unerlaubt Filme auf der Plattform veröffentlichen. Google und YouTube konnten sich nicht damit verteidigen, dass Ihnen keine „Anschrift“ dieser Personen vorliege. Denn der urheberrechtliche Anspruch auf Auskunft über „Name und Anschrift“ erfasse laut Gericht auch die E-Mail-Adresse.